
The Key Differences Between Oil Separator Filters and Coalescing Filters

Coalescing filters eliminate liquid pollutants from gas and compressed air processes. They should be preceded by general-purpose filters to stop the clogging of too fast.

They typically feature a smaller initial pressure drop, and operate at greater flow rates than particulate filters. They also have a quicker reaction time, and need smaller space to install.


The primary difference between the oil separator filter and coalescing filters is the fact that they remove liquid droplets out of gas streams. Filters that coalesce use several layers of fibers that capture oil mist, and then combine the drops into bigger ones which are prone to gravity, and then flow to the sump at the base of the filter.

The droplets can be taken care of in drain systems or scavenged by the Scavenger Line and then returned to the compressor to be recirculated. Scavenging oil is a crucial feature that enhances the performance of compressors and decreases the chance of contamination within the air compressor.

When determining the size of the size of an oil coalescing filter it is important to consider aspects such as the pressure of the system, flow rates and the type of contaminants you want to be removed, as well as the capacity of holding dirt. Additionally, consider the pressure drop that is both incremental and fixed drop that occurs across the element. Pressure loss that is fixed results from the brand new element and housing while the incremental drop is caused by a dirty filter element, which has to be more efficient in overcoming the force of drag created by the droplets of liquid.


Coalescing filters eliminate liquid contaminants as well as gas particles that are emitted from compressed air. They work by screening on the difference between different the molecular weights of substances and their densities. When phu kien may nen khi it comes to separation of water and oil and separation, the baffle walls of the coalescing filter redirect heavier oil molecules towards a drain point, while allowing water vapors to flow through the filter. The resultant vapor and water droplets eventually coalesce to form large drops, which are then drained through gravity.

Filter elements made of coalescent are oleophilic or hydrophilic according to your specific application’s requirements. If you decide to utilize an element that is hydrophilic this will accelerate the fusion of tiny droplets, and increase the draining value.

It is crucial to choose the correct housing for the coalescing filter element. It should be constructed of an material that is able to withstand the pressure of the system and also flow rates. Also, it must be chemically compatible with the pollutants that it is removing. It is essential that the filter will work efficiently and effectively over a prolonged period of time.


In contrast to oil separator filters coalescing filters don’t use the separation method to eliminate the oil. The type of filter employs coalescence as a method to remove liquid aerosols in air and gas streams. It is accomplished by mixing smaller droplets into bigger ones. In the end, the larger droplets get pushed down and drained away from the system. The filter type can be sized to measure the pressure of the system, flows, as well as the types and amounts of contaminants that need to be eliminated. Additionally, it has an inlet partition to stop solid particles from getting into the filtering unit.

Additionally, it has several layers of fibrous material to hold liquid droplets and mist. When the droplets mix, they grow large enough to withstand gravity, and then fall into an extraction chamber located at the base of the filter. It is then possible to remove these droplets from the gas stream, and then eliminate their presence from the system. This is crucial as it decreases the chance that they could contaminate other components of the system, and also improves the drainage value.

Choosing the Right Compressed Air Filter

Air compressor filters should be capable of removing aerosol and liquid droplets as well as particles. They should also be able to deal with gases, vapors and smells. The coalescing elements of filters work through making tiny drops of water and oil stick together (coalesce) in order to create larger drops of water that are large enough to drop into the lower part of the filter, where they will be sucked out.

Air filters are available in various dimensions and levels of filtration. It is crucial to choose the correct filter to meet the requirements of your company.

The wrong choice of air filter could cause major issues for your company. A filter that is not the right one does not eliminate the contaminants that you require it to, and could result in a expensive waste of energy. In the case of charcoal filters to eliminate gas and odors can result in the oil being too saturated the filter, which can cause it to wear out over short amount of period of time. The system will need to shut down in order for a change of the filter.